Fragrant Fusion Brown Rice

Fragrant Fusion Brown Rice

This dish looks like a low key affair on a photo but creates an absolute pang in your home, and your belly. A sweet soft fragrance is going to permeate every nook and niche. You'll likely need a deputy to help you keeping the crowds away from the pan while you are still whipping the dish up to become its best.
Fragrant Fusion Brown Rice
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High Fibre
Prep Time 5 min Cook Time 20 min Difficulty: Beginner Servings: 4

Fragrant Brown Rice


  1. Brown rice
    Now this is super easy. Cooking rice is really no magic and you certainly do not need a rice cooker for cooking rice to its perfection. This recipe is for brown rice. This is rice that still has it shell on, i.e., the most nutritious parts under the shell have not been removed. Since the shell is still on, brown rice is a rich source of water soluble fibre.
  2. ... and all the rest
    Fill the desired amount of cleaned rice into a saucepan. The amount doesn't really matter for the correct cooking, amazingly. Add hot water until about 2 cm above the rice surface. As I said it doesn't depend on the actually amount of rice in the pot or the pot shape. Add all the spices and complements. Put lid on and simmer with low bubbling for about 20 min until it looks like the photo here. Stir maybe once half way through. That was it. All done! Enjoy!
Keywords: GF

Mimi Mo

I love eating food with a well balanced and rich taste. And even more, I love to make it from scratch and treat it like a piece of art, culinary and visually. 

While you may have scoured zillions of recipe site and tried a handful of these beautifully presented creations, you may have noticed that some of them didn't work out that well or didn't look as they were 'supposed' to look.

In many cases this is because the ingredients used are very localised. The wheat used in one region, country or climate zone is quite different from one at another place. So are the spices, meats and vegetables. So, give yourself a little slack and don't take the ingredient measures here as absolute. Look at what you'd like to achieve and adjust to your taste and locale.

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