Orange Cake

Gluten Free

Orange Cake

Because they wouldn't accept anything less.
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High Fibre
Prep Time 15 min Cook Time 55 min Servings: 12



  1. Putting everything together
    • Preheat oven to 175C.
    • Cut oranges into half and cut a thin slice off of one of the halfs. Juice the halfs.
    • Mix eggs, margerine, suggar, half of the juice and fold in the flower and almond meal.
    • Place dough into round 20cm cake spring form and bake for 50-55 min.
    • Meanwhile, add 1 tbsp sugar to the other half of the orange juice and mix in saucer at low heat.
    • Take cake out of the oven 5 min before finished. Place slice the of orange top. With a fork poke some whole into the cake, pour the remaining orange juice over the cake and bake for the remaining 5 min.
Keywords: Cake, GF

Mimi Mo

I love eating food with a well balanced and rich taste. And even more, I love to make it from scratch and treat it like a piece of art, culinary and visually. 

While you may have scoured zillions of recipe site and tried a handful of these beautifully presented creations, you may have noticed that some of them didn't work out that well or didn't look as they were 'supposed' to look.

In many cases this is because the ingredients used are very localised. The wheat used in one region, country or climate zone is quite different from one at another place. So are the spices, meats and vegetables. So, give yourself a little slack and don't take the ingredient measures here as absolute. Look at what you'd like to achieve and adjust to your taste and locale.

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